13 April, 10:00 - 22:00
10 - 18
fair of expat-friendly opportunities
+ food festival
+ stage & live music
+ activities for families
see the list of exhibitors→
10.30 - 17.30
expert talks. See the topics ↓
10.30 - 18
interactive workshops ↓
10.00 - 18
stage show. See the program→
18:30 - 22
expert talks
Public Health Insurance for NON-EU Kids. Finally!
Hana Faltýnková from VZP
Children of NON-EU families now belong to the public health insurance system. Learn about the advantages of this system and how to enrol your offspring into it.
Do Not Waste a Minute, Do It Right!
Barbora Procházková from SAKO
Feeling as lost as a plastic bag drifting through the wind when it comes to sorting waste in Brno? Don't trash your chances and learn all the tips and tricks.
Don Sparling's Mini Walk - Brno Exports
Don Sparling from Brno Expat Centre
Don Sparling, a Brno patriot of more than 50 years, introduces famous "Brňáci" who made a difference in the world.
Growing Apart: Expectations vs. Reality
Eva Sladká Florianová, Attorney at Law
Tips and tricks for those who face difficult family situations in the Czech Republic.
Insure to Secure: Safeguarding Your Assets
Monika Souza from Partners
Discover the essentials of non-life insurance in this brief presentation. Learn about property and flat content insurance, and why liability insurance is crucial. Gain insights into protecting your assets and mitigating risks.
Czech Your Paycheck: Understand Your Salary and Taxes
Jan Kopkáš from Brno Expat Centre and Jana Střelická from Auditor.cz
Every month, before sending you a paycheck, your employer pays your taxes, and health and social insurance. Learn how much you're paying in taxes or whether you can get anything back. You may bring your payslip to analyze it together.
Should I Stay or Should I Go
Kamil Fedr a Michaela Jelínková from Petyovský a spol.
Immigration consultants will answer the question of what it means for me if I want or if I have to change jobs.
Expat Career Navigation
Dan Murphy from Consult Murphy
Discussion about which companies are open to expats (non-Czech speakers), what career paths are most available in/from Brno, how to insure future career opportunities, and how to network & get noticed.
Unleash Your Professional Potential
Martina Neumannová from Centre for Foreigners of the South Moravian Region
Get useful tips and tricks on how to attract headhunters, gain invitations to interviews and succeed in them. Learn how to decrease stress and discomfort during job interviews by underlining your strengths, abilities and experience.
Park and Ride in Brno Smoothly
Jakub Janík a Jarda Soukup from Municipality & Brno Expat Centre
Driving a car in Brno can be a challenge. And even more so to park it. The city's representative and one of our in-house consultants will tell you how to do it with (at least some) ease.
Educational System à la Czech
Tereza Švandová from META
Learn all about registration, choosing the right school, possible support and much more.
Embracing Diversity, Challenging Stereotypes
Mirjana Stanojević from Masaryk University
Learn where stereotypes come from and how to thrive in a multicultural environment by challenging them.
The Art of Renting an Apartment in Brno
Marek Viktor from RELP
Even after you find a place to rent, you need to bear a lot in mind. A lawyer experienced in the field will tell you about the common pitfalls.
All Those Friendly Green People
Agnieszka Buchtová from ČSOP Morava
Presenting local organizations welcoming expats who are eager to help the environment, protect biodiversity, and fight climate change. Choose the one that suits you, find your own green community.
Seminars take place on the 4th floor. You can join any of the sessions without booking a seat.

interactive tasters of varied inspiring activities
10:00 - 10:30
Speed-Friending: Find your buddy for the fair, and beyond
Nofar Drukman from The Náměstí: Brno Meetup
Meet new people through the expat fair! Join this session and start your day with laughter, fun and new friends!
10:30 - 11:00
Essentials of CPR in Kids
Petr Vaňhara from Czech Red Cross
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is the only way for recovery of circulation in cardiac arrest. We will demonstrate the basic techniques of children CPR.
11:10 - 11:40
Exploring Tales: Cultivating Language & Creativity in Children
Diana Buritica, La Herna Francophone, Corona Kimaro Cermak from Cuenta Cuentos Diana
Support your child in learning your mother language while living abroad. We'll read a children's story in different languages and follow up with a discussion and a craft activity.
11:50 - 12:20
Children online?
Markéta Homolková from Replug me
We will help you find the balance between your child's online and offline world and answer any questions you may have.
12:30 - 13:00
How to Be a Successful Mom in Business
Catherine Vopalecká from Brno Moms in Business
Join this interactive workshop for mutual inspiration and encouragement from other moms who are running or starting a business.
13:10 - 13:40
Japanese Calligraphy
Mayuko Hasebe from Japonské centrum Brno, z.s.
Discover how to use a calligraphy brush to draw Japanese characters and create art.
13:50 - 14:20
The Power of Coaching
Shaun Copple from Brno Breakthru
A journey through the benefits of coaching. How can coaching power your career and your life in Brno?
14:30 - 15:00
Sharing is Caring
Mirjana Stanojević from Masaryk University
Learn about other cultures and your own by sharing your expat experience with the group.
15:10 - 15:40
Navigate your Career as an Expat
Dan Murphy from Consult Murphy
Crafting a successful expat career journey: From job searching to identifying hiring sectors, ensuring your career's future, and building meaningful connections for immediate and long-term success.
15:50 - 16:20
Thrive While Navigating Birth as a Foreigner
Doula Lorena Torsani from Margarida Blossom
Empowering Expecting Expats: Practical tips and essential advice for navigating birth confidently as a foreigner.
16:30 - 17:00
Calm, Safety and Connection - a Vagus Nerve Exploration
trauma coach and yoga teacher Janaki Jarstein
How would life be if we felt less stressed and were able to be more present?
17:10 - 17:40
Karaoke Talkie in Brno
Nofar Drukman from Karaoke Talkie
No singing involved! Karaoke Talkie is a fun concept where people present slides that they see for the first time. You're going to have 3 minutes, 5 slides... and a lot of support from the audience.
Workshops take place on the ground floor.
Book a spot in advance - on the day of the event, in front of the café Podobrazy (ground floor).

Stage show + afterparty
10:00-18:00 18:30- 22:00
Kizomba Openclass, with Noel Nimbona
Kizomba is a dance from Angola that means “party”. Nowadays, a famous dance in the whole world.
Indian Classical Music, with Revati Kulkarni
Indian music composition covers various notes and presentation styles. These compositions are called "Raag", with relevance to the time of the day when they are sung.
The Arancini
The Arancini, Marco - Guitar and Ingrid - Voice, is a dynamic duo coming from the south of Italy. They will play some of the 80's and 90's Italian pop-rock classics. A bit of nostalgia, a lot of fun :)
Tilted Squares
Tilted Squares is a indie folk-rock band from the International School of Brno. They play eclectic original songs that walk the tight rope between vulnerable and tough.
Bollywood Dance
Bollywood dancing is a colourful, dynamic and highly theatrical dance style seen in Indian films. It combines classical forms of dance including traditional Indian, folk, salsa, belly-dance while also incorporating more contemporary western forms such as hip hop, jazz and funk.
The Goats
A rock band, formed by enthusiastic and talented teenagers from Brno, which share passion for music and neverending joy on stage.
A Spoonful of Sugar, with Géraldine Schnyder & band
Delivering sweet reinterpretations of oldies, the Swiss singer Géraldine Schnyder (CH), Vlado Micenko (SK) and Jan Čarek (CZ) take the stage. Take your dancing shoes, your glittery pants and warm up your voice, cause you might wanna sing along!
DJs Kala and Belpee will play Afrobeats at our afterparty from 18:30 to 22:00.
Come and enjoy amazing music, cocktails from Cocteleria catering, and wine from winebar Kaple.
10 - 18:
& have fun
international food, beer, wine
stage & live music outside
café, book lounge, interactive corner
(VR, 3D printing), rooftop views
for families: kid corner, various interactive games by ISB Brno